Local councillor in remission with acute myeloid leukaemia welcomes new research  

A Salisbury and Wiltshire councillor who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia is hoping that new research funded by Leukaemia UK could help dramatically reduce the impact that harsh treatments can have on those diagnosed.   

 Charles McGrath, 28, from Salisbury, was diagnosed with AML in 2022 after developing breathlessness, repeated chest infections and recurring cold sores. These symptoms became even more apparent when he was visiting friends in hilly Bristol and struggled to walk around the city. 

Charles joins Andy Munns this afternoon on Salisbury Radio just after 4pm. Listen on DAB, SMART SPEAKERS, or this website.

A blood test led to his diagnosis, and Charles then spent nearly three months going in and out of hospital whilst he had three rounds of chemotherapy.

A further round left him with pneumonia in intensive care at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. Fortunately, he is now in remission and has been able to return to his role as a local councillor and also as a marketing executive for a technology company. He has regular blood tests to monitor his condition. 

Charles, who is a councillor for the Milford ward, said: “In the week leading up to my eventual leukaemia diagnosis, my symptoms escalated rapidly. I was on paracetamol four times a day, every day, and I was gargling salt water like there was no tomorrow due to the cold sores. I could barely get out of bed and had started to struggle to function at work. 

“Yet, leukaemia has been an education for me. I’ve learnt about myself, my mortality and my newfound desire to live life to the full.”   

 Every year, almost 3,100 people in the UK are diagnosed with AML. It’s the most common type of leukaemia, but survival rates are among the worst of any cancer type. Just 13.6% of people survive longer than five years after their diagnosis. Treatments include chemotherapy and stem cell transplants, but they can cause harsh side effects.  

Professor Terry Rabbitts, Professor of Molecular Immunology at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, is exploring a new approach to targeting AML cancer cells to minimise the impact of treatment. 

Professor Terry Rabbitts said: “Leukaemia is caused by mutations in the DNA of normal cells, causing them to become cancerous. Sometimes chromosomes break and are joined to other chromosomes. If this happens it can result in ‘fusion proteins’ – these only occur in cancer cells, so they are specific targets for treatment. My team and I will explore a new approach to targeting fusion proteins by channelling antibodies inside cancer cells.    

“We have already begun a new technology that will allow us to deploy antibodies inside cells. Our aim is to get them to bind with the fusion proteins inside cancer cells to destroy them. This new anti-cancer strategy will mean fewer side effects for AML patients and should ultimately also benefit other blood cancers and solid tumours.”  

World AML Day aims to raise awareness of this specific type of leukaemia, which is the second most common type yet has survival rates which are among the worst of any cancer type – just 13.6% of those diagnosed live for longer than five years after their diagnosis.  

Fiona Hazell, Chief Executive of Leukaemia UK, said: “AML is one of the most common types of leukaemia, but has the worst survival rates. The treatments, which have remained largely unchanged since the 1960s, are harsh and can cause terrible side effects like the ones Charles sadly experienced.   

“We’re delighted to announce Prof Rabbitts’ new project, which, along with our other funded research projects, will help us to accelerate progress in leukaemia treatment and care. We want to offer patients like Charles the hope of more effective and gentler treatments in the future. Breakthroughs happen all the time and we won’t stop until we have found better, kinder treatments for all those affected.”     

 Charles added: “I’m delighted to hear about Prof Rabbitts’ research, which aims to unlock kinder, more targeted treatments for people diagnosed with AML.

"Whilst the intensive chemotherapy I had thankfully put me into remission, it has taken a major toll on my broader health and, in scientific terms, is akin to using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

"I’m eternally grateful to Leukaemia UK – and its supporters – for the work they’re doing to brighten up the lives of people like me who are diagnosed with this awful disease.” 

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